With over 30 years of experience, Captain Joe has been snorkeling for lobster since he was 5 years old. Regardless of the conditions, we will get you on the bugs.
If it’s rough in the ocean we have plenty of secrets on the Gulf side in both shallow and deep areas.
Our lobster trips can be booked in 4, 6 or 8 hour blocks and we can take up to 6 people per trip.
Basic snorkeling skills are recommended. Dive equipment and tanks are welcome!
Regular Spiny Lobster Season:August 6th – March 31st
Bag limit is 6 per person per day.
Minimum size limit: Carapace larger than 3″, measured in the water
Possession and use of a measuring device is required at all times
Find out how to measure spiny lobster.
• Tickle-sticks
• Nets
• Measuring Gauges
• Ice
• Water
DirtyBoat Charters
1 305-209-5594