Life sized models of dinosaurs welcome families and classes to learn, have fun, or just enjoy a quiet encounter with the lifelike animals.
Dinosaur World is the brainchild of Swedish businessman Christer Svensson, who has been in the entertainment business for over 30 years. Svensson and his family moved to the United States. Attracted to central Florida, where he and his wife and children had vacationed many times, Svensson purchased a former alligator farm as a home for his ancient reptiles. To develop the best park possible, he consulted with the manager of a similar open-air dinosaur museum in Germany, as well as with internationally known authorities on prehistoric life. With a great deal of information, planning, and hard work, the Svensson family created a pleasant environment in which to entertain and inform their visitors. Less than five years later, Dinosaur World opened in Kentucky. The Texas park followed about 5 years after that.
The dinosaur models, up to eighty feet in length and based on the latest scientific discoveries, are made of fiberglass, steel, and concrete. The dinosaurs are arranged in groups of as many as eleven of a single species, in a variety of settings.
Nestled among a lush assortment of native vegetation, the dinosaurs are so believable that some visitors claim to see them moving through the shadows cast by the many native trees.
(813) 717-9865