Banzai Divers Hawaii is a small diving company that focuses on small, personable groups where divers are treated like old friends. Our goal is to share our love for Hawaiian diving and creating unforgettable memories for you.
There is no bad season for diving on Oahu. However, the diving locations vary based on seasonal conditions, one side of the island may be better than the other depending on time of year. We’re always evaluating weather and surf to endure the best conditions possible! Call or message our dive experts to check on current or future diving conditions and locations!
The Hawaiian Islands are the most isolated chain of islands in the world! This creates an environment unlike any other! As much as 25-30 percent of the reef and marine life cannot be found anywhere else on the planet! From everyones favorite reef fish to say “humuhumunukunukuapua’a” to massive sea turtles and the rarest marine mammal in the world, the Hawaiian Monk Seal, we have plenty of unique sights to share with you!
Banzai Divers Hawaii